May 10, 2021Liked by Niraj Dugar

Thanks for this issue.

I am freelance myself and freedom advocate but it seems to me that the "which day is it" test is overrated and a mark that the person who reply idk is not sociable enough. And indicate in some cases that's a person who don't care much.

irl scenarios you -even if you're totally a real free person- know exactly which day is it if your best friend birthday is tomorrow or your son first day in school or your brother (while he's in prison) visit days or your cousin funeral. It's a rare days in a whole years. Still you will know exactly which day is it if you want to be a reliable friend/Contact.

We are obligated to know the days if we are a sociable critters enough.

So in general the slaves (payroll fellows) do better in term of been good enough friends and contacts.

Meanwhile a lot of so called free people have a very poor social skills.

That's not defence of the day job but just a comment. 🙏🌷

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